The book opens with a foreword by Mark Steyn, author and occasional "undocumented anchor-baby" fill-in host for the Rush Limbaugh show who has been through his own version of hell with the Canadian courts for writing less than complimentary articles about Islam in Canada. Free speech? What's that?
Here is a really interesting book by Geert Wilders that the library has up on the 4th floor (call number 305.697 Wilders). If you don't know who Geert Wilders is, you haven't been paying attention. Geert Wilders is marked for death in the same way that Salman Rushdie is marked for death, he dares to speak up about Islam and its war on Western civilization. Mr. Wilders is hated worldwide, he was even deported from the U.K. after arriving to give a talk at a private gathering in England, home of liberty and freedom (and the first nation to outlaw slavery). Everyone has the right to speak about anything he/she wants to, no one should be under threat of death for anything he says, or at least that's how we in the West approach speech. But just try that in any nation where Islam rules, or even just places where there are more than a few Muslims and you are likely to get your head chopped off on a public street like Theo van Gogh, great-great-grandnephew of Vincent van Gogh who was murdered for a film he produced on Islamic treatment of women.
The book opens with a foreword by Mark Steyn, author and occasional "undocumented anchor-baby" fill-in host for the Rush Limbaugh show who has been through his own version of hell with the Canadian courts for writing less than complimentary articles about Islam in Canada. Free speech? What's that? I was reading an article online about a new book that just came out and checked the library to see if there were any available. No, but 4 holds on a book that has already been ordered! That is why we Booknookers work those "grueling" three hour shifts for free, to bring in some money to help the library buy books. And that is what happens with your donations too, we sell them, the library gets money and we get new books on the shelves. And let's not forget the people who actually buy the books, that's where the money actually comes from! We are all doing our part to help get more books on the shelves of our beautiful library.
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August 2024