Once while I was entertaining a South Korean customer, we made a trip to Powell's books just to give Mr. Kim a look at the biggest bookstore in the area. But when I bought a copy of Richard Michod's newest book (at the time) Eros and Evolution, my guest made a comment:"Are you having sexual problems?" I thought how rude! But, no I told him, this is a book on the evolution of sex, which was a watershed event in the evolution of life on Earth. The provacative cover might have given this neophyte English speaker the wrong impression, but I don't want people guessing what's wrong with me when I buy a book with a painting of a naked Eve on the cover.
We Booknookers promise we won't even take notice of what you buy. If you want to bring it up, that's fine, and if not, that's OK too. Think about people who are going through divorce, death of a child, abuse, alchoholism or in this case, breast cancer. How could they ever find a book to help them get through this difficult chapter in their life if they think they are going to be judged by their purchase? What you buy is up to you, we stock everything and we expect every book will find someone who will love it.